Board Composition

In compliance with legislation, the authority’s Board consists of 21 members in total; 12 members elected by local authorities, 2 staff members of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, 2 parent representatives and 5 special interest/community representatives.

Board Membership


Nominating Body

Cllr Antoinette Baker Bashua

County Clare Local Authority

Cllr Michael Begley

County Clare Local Authority

Cllr Maria Donoghue

Limerick City and County Local Authority

Cllr Peter Doyle

Limerick City and County Local Authority

Mr Darren Feldon

Parent Representative

Ms Jeanette Ferguson

Parent Representative

Cllr Rachel Hartigan

County Clare Local Authority

Ms Kate Hehir

Staff Representative

Cllr Mary Howard

County Clare Local Authority

Cllr Gabriel Keating

County Clare Local Authority

Mr Conal Kelly

Members from Bodies as per section 30 (11) (b) of The Education and Training Boards Act (2013)

Ms Claire Knight

Members from Bodies as per section 30 (11) (b) of The Education and Training Boards Act (2013)

Mr Michael MacCurtain

Members from Bodies as per section 30 (11) (b) of The Education and Training Boards Act (2013)

Mr Sean McMahon

Members from Bodies as per section 30 (11) (b) of The Education and Training Boards Act (2013)

Ms Ann Norton

Members from Bodies as per section 30 (11) (b) of The Education and Training Boards Act (2013)

Cllr Kieran O’Hanlon (Chair)

Limerick City and County Local Authority

Mr Adrian O'Hanlon

Staff Representative

Cllr John Sheahan

Limerick City and County Local Authority

Cllr Catherine Slattery

Limerick City and County Local Authority

Cllr Noreen Stokes

County Clare Local Authority

Cllr Brigid Teefy

Limerick City and County Local Authority

Board Meeting Minutes

Click here to view the Board Meeting Minutes from 2013-2025.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee under its terms of reference must report to the Board, not less than four times in each year, whether the Chief Executive is implementing the Service Plan, as adopted by the Board, and within the expenditure limits set by the Minister. This is done by considering the monthly accounts and ad hoc reports provided to the Board by the Chief Executive. It must advise the main committee whether to accept the accounts as presented by the Chief Executive and to recommend whether they should be signed by the Chairperson. It must review and report to the Board on the draft Service Plan; and it shall make arrangements for the preparation of reports to the Board. Click here for the committee’s complete terms of reference.

Finance Committee



Mr Sean Conlon, Chairperson

Cllr John Sheahan

Ms Sadie Aherne

Cllr Joe Killeen

Mr Eugene O’Brien

Ms Elaina Fitzgerald. 

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee, by examining and considering internal audit reports, statutory audit reports and the confirmations of the Chief Executive, reports to the Board in accordance with the Audit and Risk Committee procedures. The committee, as early as possible in each year, and before the Finance Committee considers the annual accounts, carries out a review of internal controls for the previous year by undertaking the work outlined in the Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference and by reviewing the minute books of the Board, the Audit and Risk Committee and the Finance Committee and other relevant factors, to ensure there are no inconsistencies in these with the assessment of internal control provided to the Audit and Risk Committee by the internal audit unit or management representations received. Click here for the committee’s complete terms of reference.

Audit and Risk Committee



Mr Donal Fitzgibbon, Chairperson

Cllr Gabriel Keating,

Mr Fergus Dunne

Cllr Sarah Kiely

Cllr Mary Howard

Mr Declan Phillips

Mr Matt Power

Board Login

If you are a Board Member, please click here to log in.

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