A range of activities took place including healthy eating presentations during wellbeing class, Mary Ryan a guest speaker presented a Healthy Eating talk to a number of students. A healthy eating fact of the day was announced daily to all students. Fruit cups and smoothies were on sale throughout the week. The students were also…
Posts Categorized: News
The transition year class has just completed a 4 week creativity music workshop facilitated by Tony Monahan from Limerick Music Generation (pictured). More details here. Next week is healthy eating week in the school. See all the activities planned for the week here.
LCFE Open Day 2018
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board is seeking an organisation to deliver an Integrated Youth Service to young people based in Garryowen, Limerick City, in line with the new Revised Youth Funding Scheme from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA). The organisation sought should: • Exemplify good practice in relation to vision,…
Desmond College Choir Accompany Liam Lawton (Music Department) Primary Science Fair (Science Department) The Milky Way (Science Department)
A learner story from Sabrina, a learner in Limerick and Clare Education and Training Boards East Clare Adult Education Centre in Scariff. Her story is featured here on the Aontas website as part of European Vocational Skills Week which takes place from 20th to 24th November 2017.
Congratulations to all LCFE Graduates who were conferred on Thurs 26 October. The ceremony, which was held at The Strand Hotel, was attended by over 250 Graduates. Guests of honour included Mr George O’Callaghan, CE LCETB, Senator Maria Byrne and members of the LCFE Board of Management. Principal Pat Maunsell encouraged Graduates to “remain continuously…
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs provides funding for a number of targeted youth schemes. A 2014 Value for Money and Policy Review (VFMPR) of these schemes made a number of recommendations, one of which was to map the current provision. This mapping exercise is now complete and illustrates geographical areas covered by each service and the dot location of service addresses.
“I am a first year Veterinary Nursing Student in Athlone Institute of Technology. I completed the QQI level 5 Animal Care course in Croom last May in hope it would be a stepping stone in the vet nursing course. I feel the course really helped me in my journey to get to where I am…