FET Division Works With Irish Defence Forces on Innovative New Project

Congratulations to five members of the 12 Infantry Battalion, Sarsfield Barracks, Limerick, who recently received QQI certificates at an award ceremony as part of a joint Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) project between Limerick Clare Education and Training Board and the Irish Defence Forces. Private Lorraine Brogan, Private Deirdre Crow, Corporal John Corry, Private Paul Hogan and Corporal Sean Gleeson from the Defence Forces were linked with mentors from our Core Skills and Back to Education Initiative provision in Limerick City. Through workshops and one-to-one meetings, these individuals graduated with award certification in Communications, Word Processing, Safety and Health at Work and Work Experience at QQI Level 5.

This RPL project was a first for both organisations and is something that will be replicated in 2019. Tríona Lynch, FET Manager, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, presented the Level 5 QQI Awards in Sarsfield Barracks. Commenting at the ceremony, she said: “This has been a fantastic opportunity for us to work with the Irish Defence Forces in the area of recognition of prior learning. We are looking forward to the next group of learners that are due to start a new programme in 2019.” She also thanked all those involved in the initiative and paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of the five learners receiving certification.

Also commenting, on behalf of the Irish Defence Forces, 12 Infantry Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Sean Murphy said: “Working with Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board has been an excellent experience both for the 12 Infantry Battalion, Sarsfield Barracks, and for the individuals who have qualified for and received awards from the ETB under QQI. The opportunities for self-development offered by Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, combined with the expertise and assistance provided by the mentors and co-ordinators, made this a very positive experience for all involved.”


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