First ETB in the Sector to Have QA Review Process Conducted

The Inaugural Review of Quality Assurance in Ireland’s 16 Education and Training Boards commenced last week, with the first external review panel visit undertaken at Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. The inaugural review is an historic event – both for Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and ETBs – as it is the first review process of its kind to be conducted within the sector. Each ETB will be reviewed as a standalone corporate entity and an individual review report will be produced in respect of each ETB. It seeks to further encourage the development of the quality culture within ETBs and improve public confidence in the quality of Further Education and Training provision by promoting transparency and public awareness.

The review process commenced in December 2019 with the publication by QQI of a Policy for the Inaugural Review of QA in ETBs outlining its approach to this institutional, 5-year cyclical review process. Led by Maud Baritaud, the ETB’s Research, Planning and Evaluation Officer, taking on the role of ETB Review Co-ordinator, a QAIR Task Group was set up in January 2020 to plan and manage the process. What followed was an extensive and comprehensive process of planning, communication, consultation, drafting, design, and approval, resulting in the publication of the ETB’s Provider Profile and Self-Evaluation Report in December 2020.

During the week of 22nd March, the external review panel met online with over 200 people over the course of 31 individual meetings, including the Chief Executive, managers, learning practitioners, learners (past and present), industry and community stakeholders, Higher Education partners, second providers, etc., asking 335 questions over the course of the visit. While the final report of the review visit will not be available for a number of months, Glen McMahon, Review Team Chair, communicated some key highlights at the final session on Friday:

  • The panel agreed that Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board is a learning organisation, with a culture of openness and transparency
  • Senior management’s commitment to the mission statement and values of the organisation
  • Evidence of pro-active collaboration with other ETBs and stakeholders
  • Commendation of the establishment of the ETB’s QA Support Service and the evidence of this QA support throughout from learners, co-ordinators, second providers etc.
  • Active Inclusion Support highly recognised by the panel
  • A learner-centred approach, a commitment from staff focused on the learner’s journey

Commenting following completion of the virtual visit, Paul Patton, Director of Further Education and Training, said: “We look forward to the detailed report and working with QQI to implement the recommendations and to continuously evolve and improve our Quality Assurance system to achieve our Core Purpose – to provide relevant and innovative Further Education and Training opportunities that address the needs and aspirations of our learners, local communities and employers. My sincerest thanks again to all the staff who participated in the planning, development, and implementation of this very important process.”

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