Launch of The LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) launched The LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018-2020 in June of this year, noted within the strategy that LGBTI+ youth groups and organisations have a hugely positive impact on the lives of young LGBTI+ people

As part of the strategy DCYA, in partnership with the Education and Training Board (ETB) sector, have committed to map existing LGBTI+ youth services and groups.

Also as part of the mapping Limerick and Clare ETB held a focus group supported by PAUL Partnership in Kilmallock Road Campus with Youth Work project workers, the focus group discussed LGBTI+ services in the region, barriers, strengths and what is needed to support LGBTI+ young people

It is envisaged that the data gathered from this mapping process will further inform an overall area profiling piece on Limerick and Clare which will be used under the new targeted youth funding scheme.


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