Limerick College of Further Education (LCFE) held its annual graduation at the Limerick Strand Hotel on Thursday 27th of October, with almost 250 learners receiving awards in various disciplines. Certificates were presented by Pat Maunsell, Director, Limerick College of Further Education assisted by LCFE’s management team. Guests of honour included Mr Paul Patton, Head of Further Education and Training at Limerick and Clare ETB as well as members of the Board of Management of LCFE.


The event was attended by a large audience of over 600 guests and graduates. There was a special welcome to our Employer partners who were present as well and who sponsored our Outstanding Learner Awards for each School. This is a new positive development in our Graduation Ceremony this year and it is great to see representatives from industry here. The sponsors present are:
 O’ Malley Griffin Insurance Ltd
 Art Mad
 Hugh Campbell Ltd
 The Body Building Gym, Raheen
 Home Instead Senior Care


It is evident from today’s graduation brochure the wide breath of programmes LCFE offers across many different disciplines. We work hard to meet the needs of our learners and the fruits of our labour is evident today.
Graduation 2016 saw graduands in a number of Schools and disciplines, namely:
 Childcare and Healthcare
 Creative Media and Visual Arts
 Business and Information Technology
 Beauty and Hairdressing
 Sports, Science & Engineering

A great day was had by all and we wish all our Graduands every happiness and success in the future.




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