Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board help launch European Expo 2020 – #EExpo2020

Limerick City and County Council, the Universities, Cultural Institutions, schools of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and local businesses are creating a European Expo 2020 starting in Limerick.

Speakers at European Expo 2020 Launch: John Moran (Chair of the Hunt Museum, LDA & #LiveableLimerick), Jill Cousins (Director, The Hunt Museum) James Collins (Cathaoirleach of the Metropolitan District of Limerick), Kerstin Mey (Vice President Academic Affairs & Student Engagement)

The European Expo 2020 is a unique exploration of the importance of the European Union to its citizens. Over the course of 2020, it will showcase Irish and other EU cultures, through education, entertainment and information. It takes the form of exhibitions to educate people about the work of EU institutions, debates about the issues facing the EU and the region. Central to this will be a programme of events highlighting the common ties which bind Europeans together. The year will also incorporate the hosting of an exhibition from the European Investment Bank Art Collection, called ‘Belonging’, to be based in venues across the city and curated by the Hunt Museum.

  • Several key partners (see below) have committed to bringing existing events under the European Expo banner;
  • St. Mary’s Cathedral staging Ode to Joy, the European Anthem and a celebration of the birth of Beethoven.
  • Kemmy Business School, UL and RHH International running a more high level understanding of the politics and institutions of the EU.
  • Limerick Council and City Council running the Bastille/Wild Geese Festival with the Honorary Consul for France.
  • A reunion of the UL Erasmus Alumni.
  • National celebrations such as Romania day.
  • The Art Business Europe conference.
  • A high level economics conference – Infiniti 2020.
  • LSAD second year students reflecting and interpreting the EIB Belonging exhibition.
  • Mary Immaculate College and the promotion of STEAM subjects across Europe.
  • Limerick & Clare Education Training Board Schools enhancing their links with other European schools through exchanges

Joachim.Fischer (UL), Gordon Daly (Limerick City and County Council), Sheila Deegan (Limerick City and County Council), Kerstin Mey (UL) James Collins (Cathaoirleach of the Metropolitan District of Limerick), John Moran (RHH International, Chair of the Hunt Museum, LDA & #LiveableLimerick), Jill Cousins (Director, The Hunt Museum), Dr Loïc GUYON (MIC), Donncha O Treasaigh (Director of Schools). Dr. Maeve Liston (MIC), Niall Sloane (St Mary’s Cathedral)

Councilor James Collins, Cathaoirleach of the Metropolitan District of Limerick launched the European Expo 2020 by reinforcing the European credentials of Limerick and highlighting that it is looking to answer two key questions:

“This European Expo 2020 will help to demonstrate the role of the EU for each of us here in Limerick and to reinforce the European nature of Limerick and the region. We believe it is important to show, not just tell, what the EU has done and is doing for you.

At the launch John Moran, RHH International, Chair of the Hunt Museum, LDA and #LiveableLimerick said:

The EU has been a force for development here in Limerick, but also across Europe, of a new shared community, not just a common market but the guardian of peace and European values.
The European Expo is a moment for each of us to get involved to show the world we care to protect this against forces wishing to pull us apart and to welcome others who aspire to be part of our community.
We want the year 2020 in Limerick to be a contemporary, people-focused, voyage of exploration through media like art, education, politics, culture and even sport. Discussions about the EU need to be interesting and exciting and involve everyone.

John Moran (RHH International, Chair of the Hunt Museum, LDA & #LiveableLimerick), students of Mungret Community College, James Collins (Cathaoirleach of the Metropolitan District of Limerick)

Professor Kerstin Mey talking about the essential European nature of the University of Limerick said:

Engagement of the UL, its staff and students is not only important from an institutional perspective. The extent to which globalisation is affecting Ireland demonstrates the need for more awareness of, and preparation for the impact of globalisation on the process of European integration. Developing Ireland’s direct links with other EU partners takes on a greater urgency, not only in the face of Brexit but with regard to the growing nationalism and populism across countries in Europe promoting cultural values of equality, inclusiveness and diversity.

European Expo 2020 is a fantastic expression of who we are and we would encourage cultural organisations, community groups, businesses and everyone to get involved. Limerick is the testbed for the European Expo 2020 which is going to have major implications for Europe and the world. Limerick is going to lead the way in finding solutions for Europe.

Back: Gordon Daly (Limerick City and County Council), Pat Daly (CEO of Limerick City and County Council), John Moran (RHH International, Chair of the Hunt Museum, LDA & #LiveableLimerick), James Collins (Cathaoirleach of the Metropolitan District of Limerick), Kerstin Mey (UL).
Front: Sheila Deegan (Limerick City and County Council), Jill Cousins (Director, The Hunt Museum).

Our Partners to date for our European Expo 2020 are:
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Limerick City & County Council
RHH International
Hunt Museum,
University of Limerick,
Kemmy Business School,
Glucksman Library,
Limerick School of Art and Design
Mary Immaculate College
St Mary’s Cathedral
EVA International
Ormston House
LimeTree Theatre
Limerick & Clare Education Training Board

More Information:
Twitter: @EExpo2020

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