At the start of November, all further education and training staff involved in the provision, support or management of FET in ETB’s will be invited to participate in the ‘FET Skills Profile’ Project. This will, for the first time, create a local and national profile of the FET workforce in Ireland. The initiative is the…

LCFE GRADUATES CELEBRATE SUCCESS Limerick College of Further Education (LCFE) held its annual graduation at the Limerick Strand Hotel on Thursday 22nd of October, with almost 250 learners receiving awards in various disciplines. Certificates were presented by Pat Maunsell, Director, Limerick College of Further Education assisted by LCFE’s management team. Guest of honour was Mr…

Jobs Week is a week of events to support jobseekers and employers throughout the country. All events are free. To view Jobs Week events in Clare click here. To view events in Limerick click here. Jobs Week is an initiative of Intreo and the Department of Social Protection.

LCETB Adult and Community Education Service are holding an open evening in the Adult Education Centre, Clonroad Business Park, Ennis on Wednesday 9th September from 7pm to 9pm.  More details on the attached poster.

Ros Wynne wins Gold Medal in Aircraft Maintenance at WorldSkills in Brazil Ros Wynne representing Ireland was awarded the Gold Medal in Aircraft Maintenance at the WorldSkills 2015 closing ceremony in São Paulo, Brazil on Sunday August 16th 2015. The 43rd WorldSkills Competition took place at Anhembi Parque, São Paulo, Brazil from 11 to 16…

Copies of the guide to Further Education and Training Courses in LCETB 2015-2016 are now available from offices and centres of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. This free guide provides a complete overview of all full-time and part-time further education and training courses in Limerick and Clare as provided by LCETB. If you prefer…

Youthreach Miltown Malbay have been announced Overall Winner for the best tobacco industry message at the Irish Cancer Society Youth Awards 2015. The students from Youthreach Miltown Malbay scooped the award for their film project called “project X” which was showcased at the recent event in the Lighthouse Cinema in Smithfield. Over 41 youth groups…