Recent News from Desmond College

Innovation in Science Class
Ms O Grady’s First Year students designed and built “cars” as part of Energy Conversions. The “Papermobile” team won the competition for the most efficient design. Well done to all involved.

Mr O Leary checking out the designs made by Ms O Grady’s science class

Ladies Basketball
On Tuesday 12th Feb Desmond College Ladies basketball teams under the management of Ms Creed played Killmallock in Desmond College. The First Year team had a comprehensive win while the Second Year team showed outstanding teamwork and commitment but were narrowly defeated.

Desmond College First Year Basketball Team

Desmond College Second Year Basketball Team.

Wellbeing Wednesday in Rang Grandin
Students in Rang Grandin visited Gorboy Horticultural Centre and the local library to view an Art Exhibition with Ms O Connor as part of Wellbeing Wednesday

AJ Dee at Gorboy Horticultural Centre

AJ Dee and Alan Wallace admiring the Art Exhibition in the local Lbrary

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