“Celebrating Us” at Hazelwood College

On Tuesday 9th October 2018 Hazelwood College is holding its first “Celebrating Us” day. On this day the school books will be put away and all students and staff will be trained in CPR. The aim is that we will be sending nearly 600 people into the communities served by the school and that they are confident and qualified in this invaluable skill to save lives.

Not only will students be equipped to save the lives of others, but through a variety of activities on the day such as yoga, mindfulness, and numerous guest speakers they will also be developing their own wellbeing and personal resilience to face the challenges of the modern world. It is hoped that all students and teachers leave the school that day not only able to undertake CPR but feeling positive, energised and with a new appreciation for life.

Hazelwood College are pioneering this initiative, building on our hosting of a very successful CPR Day for Schools, where we acted as a “Host School” for The Irish Heart Foundation CPR4Schools programme training teachers from over 25 schools across Munster in CPR in May 2018, enabling them to then train members of their school community using the CPR 4 Schools programme.
While the initial focus of 9th October relates to CPR, we have broadened the remit to facilitate a more holistic approach to wellbeing. This is helping honour our school motto of ‘Achieving Our Full Potential’.

We are delighted to be helping create a generation of lifesavers who in an emergency situation will have the skills and knowledge to recognise someone in a cardiac arrest and perform CPR. No one knows when they or a family member will need to use this skill so it is vital that as many of the country as possible are confident in this lifesaving skill.

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