Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board was delighted to participate again in this year’s FÉILTE held over the weekend at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick. FÉILTE is the Teaching Council’s annual Festival of Education in Learning and Teaching Excellence which celebrates the wonderful work that teachers do every day in their classrooms. It gives teachers the opportunity to collaborate and share this work with each other and with the wider public. The event takes place each year on the first Saturday of October – celebrating World Teacher’s Day.

FÉILTE was opened on Friday evening by President Michael D Higgins who visited the Showcase Hall and had an opportunity to view the various stands that were zoned by various themes. Representing Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board again this year, the Leading Learning and Teaching Initiative team showcased the work being carried out by the initiative throughout our post-primary schools. The team launched a new information leaflet on the initiative. The showcase also included a stand exploring our two Outdoor Education Centres and a stand from Thomond Community College exploring Teacher Pedagogical Wellbeing.

Pictured from left: Joe Lynch; Cllr Mary Howard, Chair, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board; Gráinne Dennison and Dr Joe O’Connell, at the Leading Learning and Teaching stand.

 Pictured from left: John Corry, Thomond CC; Mary O’Sullivan, Thomond CC; Dr Mary Masterson, University of Limerick; Cllr Mary Howard, Chair, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and Norma O’Brien, Principal, Thomond CC.


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