May 2015 saw the graduation of 17 learners from Youthreach O’Connell Avenue. The evening was the culmination of 2 years on the Leaving Cert and Leaving Cert Applied programmes. Learners contributed to the celebration as class speeches were delivered by 6th years Jonathan Hannon and Micheael O’Donoghue. LCA student, Nicole Lynch composed a special poem for the occasion entitled “Gliding” and presented a beautifully decorated and mounted copy of the poem to Co-ordinator Shane Cullinane as a parting gift. Solo songs were performed by Claire Markham, Kate Hughes and Nicole Lynch (LCA) and Ronan Dunne (6th year), accompanied my Michael O’Donoghue and 5th year Paul Byrne on guitar.
Graduation is always an evening of great pride and staff at Youthreach O’Connell Avenue, would like to extend their congratulations to all graduates and wish every happiness and success for the future.
Picture above attending the Graduation Night at The Red Tech, O Connell Street, are (centre) Colin Clancy, Weston, who graduated with a LCA, with Caroline and Carolann Clancy, Weston. Pictured below with their families are some of our other learners who graduated on the night.

28/5/2015 Attending the Graduation Night at The Red Tech, O Connell Street, were (centre) Victoria Lynch who graduated with a LCA 2, with Nicole, Patrick Edmund, and Steve Lynch, Clonmacken.
Picture: Gareth Wiliams

Attending the Graduation Night at The Red Tech, O Connell Street, were (centre) Dean Phillips, Ballinacurra, who graduated with a Leaving Cert, with Deborah and Bill Phillips, Ballinacurra.
Picture: Gareth Wiliams

28/5/2015 Attending the Graduation Night at The Red Tech, O Connell Street, were (centre) Roisin Joyce, Caherdavin, who graduated with a Leaving Cert, with Fiona and Joseph Joyce, Caherdavin. Picture: Gareth Wiliams
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