Limerick 2020 – Volunteers Needed

Momentum is building, the excitement is tangible and with less than 30 days to go its time for the final push. Limerick deserves the title of European Capital of Culture 2020 and we need to show the Jury and Europe why. With events, interventions, and happenings planned for the Jury visit on July 12th join the party by becoming a volunteer, using your voice, or wearing Limerick2020 with pride. It’s your city, your culture, your bid!

If you are aged 18-35 sign up for our secret flash mob 2020 event. July 11th (rehearsal) and July 12th on the form below. You will get a t shirt and lunch on the day of the Jury visit and also get to be part of a very special experience.

Over 35 and want to be involved? Sign up to be a volunteer anyway and we will find you a role! Join the team, wear Limerick 2020 with pride. Sign up to volunteer!


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