Local Creative Youth Partnership (LCYP) Workshop

The Department of Education and Skills together with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Creative Ireland Programme are running a pilot scheme to support 3 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) to establish local partnerships to foster collaboration and information-sharing between local creative and cultural initiatives and providers with a focus on children and young people

On Friday 14th September, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board hosted a facilitated workshop in the region to agree a common vision for a potential partnership as part of an application for a Local Creative Youth Partnership Stakeholders including schools at primary and post-primary level, providers of 3rd level and further education, Childcare Committees, non-formal education providers (Youth Work Services), Innovation hubs, Arts Centres, Libraries, cultural and creative activity in all spheres (arts, heritage, STEM, entrepreneurship etc.) were in attendance. Each successful pilot area will receive approx. €100,000 to develop their partnership over the course of the coming year.


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