Youth Funding Programmes- Streamlining of Funding Administration

Back: left to right: Noel Hartigan, GAA Games Development Manager, Cora Foley, Youth Officer LCETB, Mary Ryan Rose, Drugs Projects Co-ordinator LCETB, Philip Quinn, Munster Rugby Head of Finance and Operations.
Seated: left to right: Karen Campion, FAI Business Partnerships Director, Damon Urlich, Munster Rugby Community Rugby Manager, Mary Troy, Head of Finance LCETB

Today, the initial meeting for the DCYA Youth Funding Programmes- Streamlining of Funding Administration was held between the LCETB, the GAA, Munster Rugby and the FAI. We are delighted to be working with and supporting our new sporting partners. We look forward to integrating their existing projects into the wider portfolio of youth services overseen and administered by the LCETB.


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