Youth Identity Training

Caroline Stott (front left) with participants on the Youth Identity training in Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board Training Centre, Raheen.

On Thursday 15th November 2018 the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, under the remit of its Youth Work Functions, hosted a training programme for youth workers and others on the Youth Identity project. The Youth Identity Project was developed as a toolkit by Clare Youth Service that is used to support young women to explore the idea of identity and how it is shaped. In a dynamic world of social media-driven images and influences, the toolkit allows time and space for young women to examine and question those images and to reflect on their own values and sense of identity. The eight-session toolkit was developed with major input from young people by facilitator, Caroline Stott, who delivered the day-long programme to trainers and practitioners from across the region. Hosted in the Raheen Training Centre, the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board is delighted to support what is an important initiative for all young people as part of the organisation’s Youth Work Plan 2018-2021

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